Easy Brownie Recipe / Brownie recipe with simple steps (without brownie mix)

Here, i am going to introduce a very easy and simple, but delicious brownie recipe. I am sure every one in your family especially kids will be very happy, if they get a home made chocolate brownie.  You can feel the simplicity of the recipe by looking into its ingredients.


Unsalted butter                                  1 cup

Sugar                                                 2 1/4 cups

Egg                                                    4 numbers

Cocoa powder                                    1 1/4 cups

Salt                                                     1 teaspoon

Baking powder                                   1 teaspoon

Vanilla                                                1 teaspoon

Flour                                                   1 1/2 cups


> Preheat oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit or 175 degree celcius

> In a saucepan, melt butter in law flame and add sugar and mix well (do not boil) and switch off the flame and allow it to become warm (if its over hot)

> In a bowl, whisk 4 eggs well and add cocoa powder and mix well, then add salt, baking powder and vanilla and mix well

> Then add the butter and sugar mixture into the bowl and mix well

> Add flour little by little at a time and mix well

> In a baking pan, apply butter and flour and make it ready to pour the brownie mix.

> Then pour the brownie mix into the pan and bake for 30 to 35 minutes (maximum)

The time may vary according to the size and type of baking pan and oven.  Take the brownie out before it become firm like a cake. And allow it to cool down, then cut into square pieces.

Mouthwatering brownie is ready to serve. Enjoy!!!


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